An authoritative legal critique of the attractions and demerits of European integration. - Съдържа: 1. Introduction: ''We will do, and hearken'' -- 2. The transformation of Europe -- 3. Fundamental rights and fundamental boundaries: on the conflict of standards and values in the protection of human rights in the European legal space -- 4. The external legal relations of non-unitary actors: mixity and the federal principle -- 5. The least-dangerous branch: a retrospective and prospective of the European Court of Justice in the arena of political integration -- 6. Introduction: the reformation of European constitutionalism -- 7. Fin-de-siecle Europe: do the new clothes have an emperor? -- 8. European democracy and its critics: polity and system -- 9. The autonomy of the Community legal order: through the looking glass -- 10. To be a European citizen: Eros and civilization.*