The European legal order is largely based on judicial co-operation between the ECJ and the national courts. The three case studies outlined in the subtitle reveal that national courts and national litigants are mainly pursuing national interests, while the ECJ seeks European solutions. - Съдържа: COVER; HALF-TITLE; TITLE; COPYRIGHT; DEDICATION; CONTENTS; FIGURES; TABLES; PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; TABLE OF CASES; TABLE OF TREATIES; TABLE OF EC DIRECTIVES; TABLE OF STATUTES; TABLE OF STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS; ABBREVIATIONS; 1 Judicial activism and legal politics; The purpose of this book; The basics of the European legal order; The three pillars of the European legal order: judicial co-operation, organised law-enforcement, and political legitimacy; Judicial co-operation, organised law-enforcement and political legitimacy; and the common market, the internal market and ....*