With ten countries joining the European Union in May it is more important than ever to be aware of the rights of European Union citizens to move and reside freely in any of the Member States. - Съдържа: Treaty foundations and institutions -- The Community legal order -- Relationship between EU and human rights law -- Union citizenship -- Beneficiaries of free movement provisions -- Enlargement of the European Union 2004 -- Workers -- Establishment and services -- The economically inactive -- Family members -- Right of residence -- Discrimination and other obstacles to freedom of movement -- Access to social security -- Exclusion -- Agreements with third countries -- Association agreements in Community law -- Introduction to the Europe Agreements -- Workers under the Europe Agreements -- Establishment under the Europe Agreements -- Right of entry and stay under the Europe Agreements -- Introduction to the Ankara Agreement -- Workers under the Ankara Agreement -- Establishment under the Ankara Agreement -- Family members under the Ankara Agreement -- Expulsion under the Ankara Agreement -- Introduction to UK law and practice -- Incorporation of Community law into UK law -- Free movement of Union citizens and their families -- Agreements with third countries.*