Over the past years, academics have reacquired a significant role in the European law-making process. A truly European legal research, based on various networks has also been developed. This seventh Walter van Gerven Lecture examines the discrepancy between, on the one hand, the rise of European and comparative law and, on the other hand, the limited means allocated to the supranational education of future jurists. Legal insularity is no longer an option. Comparative law therefore should no longer be regarded as a pure academic and optional discipline, but as an effective way to lead professors, judges, and legislators out of national legal isolation. Moreover, the strength and durability of truly European legal thinking depends largely on the comparative dimension of education. (The Walter van Gerven Lectures are organized in close cooperation with the Ius Commune Research School, which unites legal scholars from the law faculties of the universities of Leuven, Maastricht, Utrecht, and Amsterdam.).*