Съдържа: General issues relating to historic waters -- The types of waters to which historic claims may be made -- The regime of historic waters in the case of Bays/Coastal Archipelagoes -- Historic rights and delimitation of maritime zones -- Problems on exceptional title, 'Ancient Rights' and burden of proof -- An example from the past of an excessive claim and adverse internation reaction : the Russian Ukase of 1821 concerning water off Alaska -- Possible international origins of history claims to waters : international judicial decisions, proceedings before international tribunals and treaties -- Problems as to when and whether an alleged historic claim has been made Eo Nonine -- The international legal requirements for historic waters/bays -- Exercise of authority : the need for a formal, clear and consistent claim -- The necessity for publicity of historic claim : publication/notification of the claim to other States. She need for continuity of historic claim and for satisfaction of the time factor -- The need for effective exercise of jurisdiction -- Knowledge of, and acquiescence to, historic claims -- Vital interests ('Vital Bays') : a 'fourth' factor relevant to evidence of historic waters? -- Reliance for historic title on succession to actions and claims of a predecessor -- Problems relating to disclaimer of historic title -- Conslusions : Does the concept of historic waters have continuing relevance in contemporary internation law?.*