Съдържа: General standards and principles, Clauses Generales and Generalklauseln in European contract law : a survey / Stefan Grundmann; Theorie et pratique de la clause generale en droit Francais et dans les autres systemes juridiques Romanistes / Camille Jauffret-Spinosi; The functions of general clauses, exemplified by regarding Germanic laws and Dutch law / Peter Schlechtriem; Theory and practice of the 'General Clause' in English law : general norms and the structuring of judicial discretion / Simon Whittaker; The EC contract law context; Shifting power from legislations to judges and from the central level to the national level / David Edward; Les clauses generales dans le droit du travail europeen-Les regles internes et leur impact dans le droit communautaire / Robert Rebhahn; Social rights, general clauses, and the acquis communautaire / Hugh Collins; The general clause or standard in EC contract law directives-a survey on some important legal measures and aspects in EC law / Stefan Grundmann; L'analyse eфconomique de la clause generale / Jacques Ghestin; Le devoir de se comporter de bonne foi dans les contrats de consommation / Jean Calis-Auloy; The duty to deal fairly in commercial contracts / Willem Grosheide; General clauses and specific rules in the principles of European contract law : the 'Good Faith' clause / Hugh Beale.*